- 1 名前:ひみつの名無しさん 投稿日時:2020/08/26(水) 00:36:25.84 ID:CxJsutMs0
Boris Johnson plans to resign in 6 months because of lingering coronavirus health problems, according to Dominic Cummings' father-in-law
https://www.businessinsider.com/dominic-cummings-father-in-law-boris-johnson-will-resign-february-2020-8Boris Johnson plans to resign in 6 months because of lingering coronavirus health problems, according to Dominic Cummings' father-in-law
Dominic Cummings' father-in-law, Humphry Wakefield, reportedly told a woman interviewed by The Times of London that the prime minister would quit early next year over lingering health problems caused by the coronavirus.
Johnson was admitted to an intensive-care unit with COVID-19 in April but returned to work just weeks later.
Wakefield is said to have compared Johnson's condition to that of an injured horse that returns to work too soon.
"If you put a horse back to work when it's injured, it will never recover," he was quoted as saying.
A Downing Street source described the claim Johnson planned to stand down as "utter nonsense."
Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.Johnson spent five days in intensive care at London's St. Thomas' Hospital in April after catching the coronavirus. He has since said that doctors made "arrangements" for his death and that he was given "liters and liters of oxygen" at the height of his illness to keep him alive.
"It was a tough old moment, I won't deny it. They had a strategy to deal with a 'death of Stalin'-type scenario," Johnson said in an interview with The Sun in May.
"If you put a horse back to work when it's injured, it will never recover," The Times quoted him as saying.
A Downing Street source strongly denied the claim that Johnson was planning to resign in six months, describing it to Business Insider as "utter nonsense."
"I was not in particularly brilliant shape and I was aware there were contingency plans in place."
Multiple reports in the months following his hospitalization have indicated his health remains poor.
Downing Street, however, has been keen to dispel any suggestions of lingering health problems, with the prime minister posing for photographs while doing press-ups and with photos of Johnson jogging being distributed to UK news outlets.
Johnson has been UK prime minister for just over a year after succeeding Theresa May as the Conservative leader in July 2019.
He would have to stay on as prime minister for nearly four more years to fight the next general election, which is due to take place in May 2024.
- 2 名前:ひみつの名無しさん 投稿日時:2020/08/26(水) 00:36:32.64 ID:CxJsutMs0
Wakefield はジョンソンの状態をあまりにも早く仕事に戻る負傷した馬のそれに比較したと言われている.
ダウニングストリートのソースは、ジョンソンは "全くのナンセンス "として身を引くことを計画したクレームを説明した。
より多くの物語のためのビジネスインサイダーのホームページをご覧ください。ジョンソンは、コロナウイルスをキャッチした後、4月にロンドンのセントトーマス病院で集中治療に5日間を費やした。 彼はそれ以来、医師が彼の死のために "手配 "をしたと言っているし、彼は彼が生き続けるために彼の病気の高さで "酸素のリットルとリットル "を与えられたことを述べている。
"昔は大変だった、それは否定しないよ。 彼らは『スターリンの死』のようなシナリオに対処するための戦略を持っていた」とジョンソン氏は5月にサン紙とのインタビューで語った。
ダウニング街の情報源は、ジョンソン氏が6ヶ月で辞任することを計画していたという主張を強く否定し、Business Insiderに "全くのナンセンス "と表現した。
"私は特に素晴らしい状態ではなかったし、不測の事態に備えた計画があることは知っていた" .
- 3 名前:ひみつの名無しさん 投稿日時:2020/08/26(水) 00:36:44.28 ID:hhBT3tLD0
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- 本当の病気の首相の方は同情するわ。。
- 21 名前:ひみつの名無しさん 投稿日時:2020/08/26(水) 00:42:31.90 ID:u8D/lZPK0
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